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Immediate Action Drills

So inevitably, despite your best efforts and everyone doing what they are supposed to, you have had a security incident!!


First and formost DO NOT PANIC!!


We are fortunate that the vast majority of incident types are common, and while we cannot predict them happening, we can determine what action to take when they do.


Cyber Alert have created a series of "Immediate Action Drills" Each scenario is laid out in an easy to follow, precise manner, and as you answer each question a different line of approach can be followed.  Simple!


Our current drills are:-

Suspected Intrusion

Data Loss (Confirmed)

Device Theft

Break In


Unfortunately Cyber Alert is not set up as a cyber security consultancy, but if you are experiencing issues right now or are in need of immediate or urgent help with any security issues, please contact our parent company Predator IT and they will be able to assist.



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