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Criminals often see the small business community as a 'soft target', especially those businesses that serve larger or multiple corporate clients. 


And we are seeing an increasing number of small businesses being attacked every year.  The effect of an attack varies, from an inconvenient interruption, to the total collapse of the business as a whole.  We have dealt with some truly heartbreaking circumstances this year, a family business built up over decades destroyed or consderably damaged in minutes.


Lets remember also, accidents do happen, and untrained staff make more mistakes than trained staff, and the impact can be as disruptive as an attack, if not more so.


Unfortunately small businesses rarely have the resources in place to provide the level of protection that is enjoyed by larger organisations, and so are therefore more vulnerable.  Employees cyber security training uptodate and requires regular refreshes.  Awareness around how they can help to avoid, detect, report and even prevent issues becoming incidents is a key part of a secure business.


In most small businesses there simply isn’t the time or the resources to manage this kind of activity, until now.  Cyber Alert deliver training and awareness in an easy to asborb manner.


Each of the areas of service below explains in detail what you receive as part of your subscription.

Cyber Alert is not a consultancy, we cannot consult with you on the various aspects of information, cyber and data security, on an ad hoc basis,  however our parent company Predator IT, founded by our Consulting CISO, Mark Ward, will undoubtedly be able to help with any issues you may have that need addressing.


Visit them here.

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